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Blue jay bird nesting habits 295035-How do blue jays build their nests

California ScrubJay and Woodhouse's ScrubJay were considered a single species known as Western ScrubJay until 16 Both members of a pair help with nestbuilding Either sex selects a nest site and initiates nest construction A potential nest site is indicated to the mate by making an undulating flight to the site while producing loud flightThe Steller's Jay is a striking bird with deep blue and black plumage and a long, shaggy crest The front of its body is black, and the rear is deep blue The black extends midway down its back and down its breast It has faint, dark barring on its wings Adults have blueView Untitled documentedited(6)docx from PSY RESEARCH P at Indiana University, Purdue University Indianapolis Blue Jay Nesting Habits There is no denying that a blue jay

Monticello Park Birds Blue Jay

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How do blue jays build their nests
